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Fallen Earth

Fallen Earth is an MMO developed Reloaded Productions (formally by North Carolina-based Icarus Studios LLC and Fallen Earth LLC).[3] The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic wasteland located around the American Grand Canyon. Fallen Earth's gameplay features FPS/RPG hybridization, first-person/third person views, hundreds of items including improvised equipment and weapons, a real-time crafting system, various skills and abilities, factions and tactical PvP, all existing within 1000 square kilometers of usable terrain based on real-world topographical maps of the area.
The game was released on September 22, 2009 with pre-orders from Direct2Drive, Steam and the official website granting early access from September 9, 2009.[4][5]
On June 15th 2011, it was announced that GamersFirst had purchased the intellectual property of the game and that the game would be going "free to play" in the near future (although no date has been announced).

The game world of Fallen Earth is based on a real-world topographical map of the Grand Canyon. The world map covers more than 1000 square kilometres of usable terrain.
The environment is zoneless and set in sectors which can be advanced through at the players own pace, each of which continue the story-arc of the game. Parts of the map will be unreachable at release, but will be gradually opened as more content is developed.

The Fallen Earth story begins in the 21st Century, when the first in a series of natural disasters hits the United States. As Americans struggle to recover, an investment tycoon named Brenhauer buys a controlling stake in a mega-corporation named GlobalTech. By 2051, he moves his headquarters to the Grand Canyon Province, where GlobalTech eventually creates a self-sufficient economic and military mini-state. Meanwhile, in India and Pakistan, the Shiva virus, named for the dance-like convulsions that it caused in its victims, appears among the human populace. As the infection starts to spread, countries accuse each other of engineering the virus. Political paranoia turn to open aggression and nuclear conflict. The nuclear conflict combined with the virus devastates the planet. Less than one percent of Earth's population survived the Fall, and the Hoover Dam Garrison and Grand Canyon Province are the only known outposts of human civilization.
Outside the protective confines of the Hoover Dam Garrison, the player will encounter ruins of the old world, genetically-altered creatures, strange technology, and six warring factions. Some factions seek to rebuild the old world, others wish to build a new one in their own image, and some simply desire chaos and anarchy.
Among its features are first-person and third-person views, classless system, Player-versus-Player combat, and crafting.

Character Creation
Fallen Earth offers customizable features including: clothing, facial features, skin tones, hairstyles and colors, age, body and facial hair, piercings, body art (tattoos), and makeup.

Character Development
Fallen Earth does not have a fixed class system. It utilizes skill-based character development with a strong emphasis on flexibility and player preference. The game features active skills—trade-skills as well as mutation-based skills—which can be increased through Advancement Points or skill usage. Advancement Points (APs) are earned alongside level experience, and aside from increasing skill points, can also be used to boost Attributes. Originally there was no opportunity to undo any selections you make as there wass no "re-spec" system in place so if you make a mistake or decide you do not like your selections you needed to start a new character from scratch in order to fix it.
However, there does exist a system that allows you to select a general archetype (Medic, Melee, Rifleman, etc.) and then the system provides you with guidelines with how to mold your character to that type. This is not a rigid system, if you select one pre-made archetype you can still train in any skill.
Recently a respec system has been added. You can buy items from certain Mutagen Merchants which will allow you to "re-spec" 5 points per use.

Combat in Fallen Earth is generally in a first-person shooter format. The camera can be moved to alternate between third and first person modes. Players will need to manually keep their targets in a targeting reticle to actually hit them in combat. Skills can be used to influence combat in different ways, but again, enemies must still be manually targeted. There is no "target locking" as in other MMOs.
There are three main methods of dealing damage in the game. These are broken down by weapon's effective ranges. Rifles, pistols, and melee are the primary weapon types. Rifles specialize in long distance damage, but are capable of using some short distance weaponry. Pistols are considered the most balanced of the weapon types, able to do damage at medium to short range. Melee is the short range up close damage.
Furthermore, the balance between the three weapon types is facilitated in various ways. As an example, rifles come with a severe melee-defense debuff. Thus allow melee to quickly dispatch a rifleman once they get up close.

Fallen Earth has thousands of items as well as equipment and accessories of varying strength for players to craft and equip in up to 22 separate equipment slots.
Possible Equipment (Clothing, Armor)
Bandanas, hockey masks, gas masks, cowboy hats, top hats, welding helmets, sunglasses, eye patches, goggles, etc.
Jackets (denim, leather), t-shirts, shoulder pads, trench coats, tank tops, etc.

Fallen Earth allows its players to carry as many as 6 active weapons which will be a part of your character's appearance (visible to yourself and other players.) Screenshots, videos, and subsequent newsletters have revealed a small list of weapons to appear in Fallen Earth such as a baseball bat and rocket propelled grenades.

Fallen Earth features a range of vehicles, from small, fast motorcycles with little carrying capacity to a heavy duty Tornado jeep-style vehicle with a large carrying capacity. Each of the available vehicles differs in speed, fuel type and efficiency, ability to scale different terrain, cargo capacity, armor and weaponry. Vehicles also come with varying storage capacities. Characters can own up to 5 vehicles, which are acquired through research and crafting (up to 3 weeks non-stop in some cases).

Players start out neutral in Fallen Earth and can remain neutral or choose to align themselves with a particular faction. Aligning with a faction will give characters a head start in skills and equipment that the faction specializes in (e.g. they will have easier access to learning certain skills). There are also a number of NPC factions that players can build alignment with. Helping or disrupting factions will affect the player's relationships with them. Killing faction members can also influence your faction alignment.
The alignments of the 6 main factions can be arranged into a "wheel". Each faction has 2 allies, 2 enemy and 1 arch-enemy faction, with the arch-enemy being the faction on the opposite side of the wheel.
Primary factions also have a number of sub-groups that hold to various motives and differences in ideology. While some of these sub-factions are known, many are secretive and will only reveal their existence to those they trust. Characters can become members of a sub-faction and gain special titles, abilities and equipment. Some sub-factions are mutually exclusive, but not all are.
Factions are: Tech, Traveler, Children of the Apocalypse, Vista, Light bearers, and Enforcers.
To buy visit : Fallen Earth

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